Organisation Development
Any organisation can be considered as the entire system of human body: a living, permanently changing and complex organism, the healthy development of which is critical to its survival and flourishing.
In the course of the development of an entire organisation, organisational strategies, structures and processes will change too.
There are a number of topics competing with each other for attracting management’s attention, which are all related to employees.
Today you’ll surely find recruitment and retention of talent among the top three ones. A LinkedIn survey run in 2018 found that 94% of employees would NOT quit if their employer paid more attention to their personal development and career within the company.
Thus it seems very much likely that it is profitable and worth to invest time, energy and money into extensive development of people so that on the longer run one would have lower costs of managing turnover and recruiting-onboarding new hires.
A person within an organisation is never alone, hence we always address the question of what impact a solution, an intervention might have on other stakeholders like owners, management team, employees, customers and so forth.
During our joint efforts with my client we pursue system thinking and we explore and put into context those values which will be the foundations of the organisation’s future development. We use simple but impactful culture hacks to shift habits and everyday practices.
What is happening in organisation development?
Organisation development usually takes place through a few parallel development programs, among which there may be:
- trainings (for instance assertive communication, feedback training, motivation, empowerment, conflict management, time management, cooperation, intercultural teams, etc.),
- coaching (individual and/or team)
- workshops.
Each individual program component has the same objective, therefore they are pointing to the same direction and they have effect on individual, group and organisational level too.
What are the most frequent topics in organisation development?
- boosting employee engagement
- changing organisational culture
- talent retention
- innovative, high performing teams
- reducing turnover
- kickstarting change and change management